How Bedrock Supports Agents


From case design to technical know-how your dedicated in-house support team provides expert guidance to help achieve the success you desire


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Our CRM automates outreach to prospects and clients and simplifies the most time-consuming effort involved in running your business


Expert Training. 

 Grow your business

Integrated Intake & Quoting: Simplifying Your Client Onboarding

With the integrated intake form, clients can conveniently input their
prescription details, doctor information, and prescription drugs,
without you having to retype everything – drastically saving you
time and energy.

Streamlined Communication: Email Templates & Brand Building

Send visually appealing newsletters to your clients and prospects
and communicate with them directly from your CRM. Our
Automated Relationship Building platform creates cutomized
emails that contain FULLY CUSTOM content, showing you as the
professional your prospects need to talk to before making their
Medicare decisions, while keeping you Clients loyal while reducing
your annual workload.

Capture Conversations: Record Calls & Videos with Eases

Simplify compliance with integrated phone and video recording.
Automatically save recordings within your CRM, eliminating the

BedrockMD Appointment

SOA: Defining Client Expectations & Services

Digitize your Scope of Appointment process. Our SOAs
integrate into client profiles and are securely stored
for 10 years.

Tasks & To-Do Lists:

streamlines your productivity by organizing your daily responsibilities and priorities, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks. With intuitive features and easy-to-use interfaces, staying on top of your tasks has never been more efficient.

Fuel Your Future, Stay Informed

Boost your career trajectory by subscribing to our newsletter. Gain exclusive access to cutting-edge marketing strategies, industry news, and opportunities to drive your
success in the federal healthcare insurance sector.
Subscribe today and take an active role in your self-
